How I passed a funding challenge for the first time, and how you can too as a beginner trader

Merunas Grincalaitis
12 min readApr 4, 2023

I started taking trading seriously for a year now. I’ve been very interested since I was a kid to learn how to trade and make money from the markets. There’s just something about it that fascinated me.

In this article I’ll tell you my story on how I passed the first phase of a funding challenge and the trades I took so you can learn from me. Let’s go.

In order to trade you need money. I wasn’t gonna risk my own money knowing that I had lost thousands of dollars from a few bad calls in the past.

No, this time I’m getting funded. Using money from a funding company like FTMO and letting them take the risk.

What are funded accounts?

If you’re not familiar with funded trading accounts, is simply a company giving you access to hundreds of thousands of dollars for you to trade with.

To access those accounts you pay anything from $100 to $1000 dollars to buy a challenge.

A challenge is your ticket to the funded account. They give you a demo account with fake money and if you’re able to grow it by say 8% in a month, you passed the challenge and can get access to the money for trading.

